Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

Half fretless rules :-)

Ok guys!
What did I do yesterday!? I tried not to think 'bout university aaaaaaaaand finished my half-fretless plan on my test bass :-)
By the way: A big big 'Thank you!!!' to my good friend and helping hand Alex, who is carpenter and one of the best guys in history!^^

And I can tell you: It really is fun: (don't be rude 2 me! I'm not yet a fretless king and it is just a little messing around to get an idea of what it sounds like^^)
As you can see slapping and fretless play is possible without any problem... Nice!!!

How was it done?

Maple into the gaps!

glue the ebony onto the fingerboard

abrade it to the right height...

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